Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Home for the Holidays
Downstairs there was a loud thud, a yelp, and Trevor screeching, "Tell Alex to get off me! Mom! ALEX! Nooooo!!"
"Erika, did you ask to use my green scarf?"
"No, but did you ask to wear my purple sweater?"
Water gurgles through the pipes in my bedroom wall, and someone in the shower yelps and yells, "Don't flush the toilet! I'm freezing!"
The presents are opened, the cookies are done, and our Christmas bonding has just begun...
Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry Christmas
That God. That Creator. He came here. For nine months he grew as any baby grows within its mother. He was born. He was hungry as any baby is hungry. He walked. He fell. He learned. He laughed. He cried. As any baby. Just any baby.
But He was the God who commands the heavens.
And He did not stay a baby.
God is good.

Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. (Isa. 7:14)
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. (Luke 2:14)
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom. 5:1)
Merry Christmas...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Smitten in Finals
They're sitting just in my peripheral vision. It's hard to ignore them...
The guy is clearly an engineer- he has a massive structures' book sitting open and useless in front of him. I haven't seen him look at his open binder of notes or this book once in the entire 3 hours he's been here, regardless of the fact that he supposedly has a final tomorrow.
The reason for this neglect is sitting right across the table from him.
She's obviously a liberal-artsy type. She has no books with her, except for a big one of colored art prints. She's talked about her studio classes and "horribly picky art-history prof" several times (ear-buds do not block out all conversation). She has failed to open her book (but let's face it, she probably doesn't need to...). (Side note: she talks about Harry Potter shamelessly. Are the children who were raised on this epic already coming to college? They're babies! What are they doing out of Jr. High? Shoot. She WAS in Jr. High when those books were released, actually, probably grade school. I feel old...)
Instead of studying, they're wrapped in deep conversation concerning high school hilarity, Christmas traditions, and the injustice of various professors. (Like either one really cares about the other's academic interests...)
As I plow fruitlessly though another pile of notes, I want to lean over and say,
"Honey, let him study or else you're not going to want to date him and his unemployable GPA."
And please stop talking so that the elusive bullet points of agrammatism will solidify in my recalcitrant memory...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Because when I get angry, he tries not to laugh.
Because he wears the sweater and sports coat he knows that I like.
Because he cut his hair the way I like.
Because when people tell him that he's "whipped"- he shrugs and smiles.
Because he snorts when he laughs, just like me.
Because when I whine or complain, he gently points it out.
Because he can argue the difference between "justified" and "merited," but doesn't.
Because he'll fight with me about the little things (like a game of "pididdle"), but not about the big things.
Because he teaches in Wednesday Night kids of Faith and gets up at 7 a.m. to serve at church.
Because he loves logic, yet lets me be illogical.
Because he knows that he's a depraved sinner. And that I am too. And he still likes me.
Because he serves me HUGE bowls of Mackinac fudge ice cream.
And because after ten years of liking me, he's now my boyfriend. And he doesn't regret it, despite all the opportunities I give him to do so.
(Please pardon my infatuation...)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Mini-Rant (which will be much larger the day grades come out)
Purdue changed their grading scale.
While previously, 90-100% was an A (and anything in that range qualified you for a 4.0), they have revised it, making their system more sensitive. NOW only a 97% and above will qualify you for a 4.0. It is entirely possible, given the new grading schema, to graduate with straight A's and have a 3.7 show up on your transcript.
Forgive me if I sound like a whiney over-achiever, but speaking as someone who relies on the "90% is an A!" rule, I am very, very sad.
What brought this on?
Calculating my grade in one of my higher classes. I don't have an A+.
And I'm ticked.
And robbed of ever achieving a 4.0 in graduate school. (Because, seriously, who gets a 97% or greater in EVERY class? Or rather- who enjoys their existence while getting a 97% in every class?)
So much sadness...
Stupid sensitive scale.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
In short, I've been having that "nebulous craving" in my writing. There is something- something that I need to say, need to write, need to express, that I'm unable to pin-point and transcribe. It's like an itch in the middle of your back- you just can't reach it.
Today, thanks to an honest friend, I discovered what it is I am to write. Humor me.
During this past semester, as readers may know, I have experienced what can only be described as a "trial by fire." (a.k.a. "graduate school") During this period, I allowed my self-sufficiency to dictate my chances of success and my daily pursuit of that success. Consequently, God in all his love and justice, allowed me to stumble, and fall with such frequency that (looking back) I appeared to be down more than I was up.
I've always thought of myself as an incredibly cheerful, bubbly person. That is probably because I've always had an easy, sunny life. It is very easy to be happy and content when there is nothing wrong in your existence. Oh sure, there were little bumps and trials, but nothing dark and eclipsing. Until this semester...
Everything was shot down- academics, health, success, money, control, men's approbation. Blips in one or two of these areas had come before. But never all at once. And this semester, for the first time, I experienced what could only be described as depression. I was crippled in a black cloud of failure, and I didn't want to move. Every day, I cried or burst into fits of anger at my helplessness. I lost my appetite, lost my desire to excel, lost my desire to work, lost my desire to do laundry and clean (poor roomie!).
But God taught me his sufficiency.
And although I raged at Him ("Why are you teaching me this lesson!?! It's stupid! I'm never going to learn it perfectly- not in my entire life. So why are you even trying? You're cruel!") He continued to teach.
And now, as I'm standing at another moment of indecision and uncertainty. (Nothing in my life is very certain as of yet... I have no idea where I will be in 14 months, or what I'll do within those 14 months.) I see, in a small, glimmer of a way, why He was so persistent. I may never perfectly learn the lesson of the sufficiency of my God. I may never lean with total and complete confidence on His plan and His will.
But I will lean a little more.
And with a little more leaning, comes a little more peace. And with a little more peace, comes a little more trust. And with a little more trust, comes a little more leaning. So that in future times of uncertainty (oh wait, that's what life is...), I will trust my Father.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:2,3)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Stretching out her legs was impossible. The flannel pj's with their footies were too small. Mom was always worried about cold feet. What, she wondered, would happen if her feet got cold? She wiggled underneath the sleeping bag. Bax had taken the couch. She had argued the point that she was a girl, and thus should have the couch, but such arguments rarely worked with her younger brother.
One strand of lights on the Christmas tree had a missing bulb, and the top third of the tree blinked erratically as a result. The golden light flickered like fire on the fireplace doors. She twitched again. And again. She scrunched her eyes closed and then flicked them open again. Nope. Stockings were still empty. Of course. Dad wasn't that fast.
She wiggled closer to the tree. Why did they call it "sleeping under the tree"? They weren't really under it. They were next to it. It would be more fun to lay under it, looking up through the branches, but Mom had protested when she had tried to squeeze under. She wiggled her nose. The yeasty smell of cinnamon rolls came from the kitchen. Christmas should come more than once a year.
She sat bolt upright at the first dong of the clock. Bother. Only 3 a.m. It was going to be many more hours before anyone else got up. 5 a.m. was probably a good time. People on farms got up at that time every morning. And people on farms didn't even have presents waiting, at least not most days. Another twitch. What time was it now?
3:02. She exhaled noisily. Maybe Bax would hear and wake up to share in her agony.
Nope. Not a move.
She lay back down. Turned to her other side and tried to fall asleep. The end of her sleeping bag crackled on wrapping paper, and she wiggled away from the tree. Christmas Eve was the longest night...
Ticking clock, cinnamon, Christmas 1992...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
"Julie." I said soberly. "What happened?"
"Yes, it is an 'oops.' What happened to my necklace?"
"Yes, it's broken. The poor necklace."
At this point a look of great remorse and pity comes over her face. She leans over the broken necklace and pets it saying "awww."
Yes, some children mourn the death of a pet. My little sis mourns the death of jewelry.
What on earth would we do with out our Bops?
We'd probably have a lot less fun...
And if there were no us, parenting would probably be easier for Dad and Mom...

Such good examples.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
6 a.m. lesson
Every vestige of competence that I ever thought I had, or laid claim to, is slowly, painfully, but steadily being stripped away. The things that I gloried in, the levels of competence that I achieved, the security I had amassed- it's all being removed, one layer of complacent pride at a time.
The day I thought I was an amazing student- God obliterated hopes of an A with a solid D. When I wrestled for approbation in my clinical competence, I was verbally derided as having failed. I thought my joy and happiness were unquenchable- until I went through the longest period of depression I have ever known. Turning in papers that I had written (and I love writing, I can do writing) only to have them given back with a C average. And it goes on.
And after I'm sobbing, after I'm angry, after I climb out of the hopeless abyss of failure (again), I wipe the tears from my eyes, pick up whatever I just threw across the room, straighten whatever I just crumpled in my arms, and remember... "not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God." And as I turn, devoid of one more crutch, one more layer of complacency and pride, I hear, "Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance?" And my anger at a great God sobers me.
Yet despite that greatness..."He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart." Even though the end goal of this life is not my happiness, not my joy, not my glory, not my success. The end goal of this life is "not [that we] preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord." And that "We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body."
But that's very hard to remember at 6 a.m. when you see your grade...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Starbuck's Greatness
In front of me were five Asian men.
Behind me were three more.
Just me and a bunch of Asian guys in line for expensive beverages.
I now know who Starbuck's is marketing to- culturally dependent girls, and rich Asians.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Foolish wishing...
And the blatant frivolity and thanklessness of my desires accosts me. Here I am, granted but one life with which to serve, one life with which to glorify my Father, and I, instead of pursuing with passion the time in which I live, look forward (and occasionally backward) to another point in time.
Today is beautiful. Today is glorious. Today is the day "that the Lord has made" (despite the cliche that children's songs have made that statement). And today I am thankful... thankful for a couch and a shoulder, thankful for a hug from my mother, thankful for a hot breakfast, thankful for rest, thankful...
And by being thankful, I have become oh-so very content...
That being said, Emily Dickinson and I are pretty much on the same page... **grin**
IF you were coming in the fall,
I ’d brush the summer by
With half a smile and half a spurn,
As housewives do a fly.
If I could see you in a year,
I ’d wind the months in balls,
And put them each in separate drawers,
Until their time befalls.
If only centuries delayed,
I ’d count them on my hand,
Subtracting till my fingers dropped
Into Van Diemen’s land.
If certain, when this life was out,
That yours and mine should be,
I ’d toss it yonder like a rind,
And taste eternity.
But now, all ignorant of the length
Of time’s uncertain wing,
It goads me, like the goblin bee,
That will not state its sting.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
My Rainy Day Song...
Because on rainy days, I want rain boots, a fire in the fireplace, and sappy music...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Long Version/Short Version
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
A sudden epiphany
To be honest, I've justified my whining by an intense conviction that I was really, truly suffering, and that life is really, truly hard. Although I'm not particularly fond of where I am, I have been blessed (a fact I've been overlooking). In order to realign my priorities, my focus, and revive my comatose thankfulness, I've added the list you see in the margin of my blog. The goal is to add to it once a day, even on the horrible, terrible, no good, very bad days.
I have been blessed.
A fact I often ignore.
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008
Lucid Panic Attack
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Beloved Boppy-Ju!
Little Bops is a definitely ray of hilarity in our family.
She requests that we take her picture when she's doing any and all activities and then poses accordingly.

She'll put on a fake "yes, I'm interested" face when she listens to you. She even has an accompanying "Hmmm." Which shows that she could care less, but she's being polite. (Rather like the First Lady at an oil summit.)
She can count on her fingers from one to five.
When asked what animal makes what sound ("What sound does a kitty make?")- she'll grin at you, do a half-wink, and then give you a completely wrong answer. She thinks this is hilarious.
She has to be convinced that an item is "cool" before she'll wear it. (Yes, you literally have to tell her how amazing it is, and how incredible she looks in it.)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Paul- he's my home-boy!
After the hospitalization and a serious round of some nasty steroids, everything appeared to be fine.
However, the medicine that is currently being used to "control" my over-achieving immune system is not working as it should. This results in two negative outcomes. One- I get sick at the drop of a hat (or at the hint of a cough) because the medicine is an immune system suppressant. For that reason I've been sick since school started. Two- my ulcerative colitis is completely uncontrolled and I'm severely anemic.
This, combined with the stress, work, and hours of graduate school are making me very **ahem** unwell. (I hate admitting that!)
I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. Would you please pray?
Pray that miraculously, I would get suddenly, and instantaneously better. "You have not, because you ask not."
And pray that the reason why I have this autoimmune disease would become crystal clear- that I would use this "opportunity" to its fullest. I don't know why God has decided this would be a good thing for me, but I do know:
"To keep me from becoming conceited... there was given me a thorn in my flesh... to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." (II Corinthians 12:7-10)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Only in my major...
"Courtney, is your cold gone?" I smile, nod, and say, "Yes, almost, but not quite. Thanks for asking." She replies,
"Well, I thought that might be the case. Your fundamental frequency is still lower than normal."
Other people would just say that my voice sounded like a smoker's...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I need counseling. And a life.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Scotch tape those facts to my brain, baby!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Today I hate grad school.
Hate it so much that I would love to do many other, seemingly less-desirable things instead of become a speech pathologist:
Semi-driver, toll booth worker, french fry maker, bathroom cleaner, clown, manicurist, sweat-sock tester, brussel-sprout grower, migrant cranberry-picker, fishing-bait gatherer, salesman, chemical-vat cleaner...
You get the idea.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Parasitic Compliment
Monday, October 13, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
While grading...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
While discussing C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity" at 7 a.m.
Laura: I bet he won Monopoly.
Meg: Probably won everything.
Laura: I never win at Monopoly. Stupid Monopoly.
Emily: I don't think that they had Monopoly...
Meg: Did he let other people win?
Courtney: He could have cheated really easily. I always cheated at Monopoly.
Meg: And then there's the question of his belly-button. Was it an innie, or an outie?
Emily: Did he even have a belly button?
Laura: Of course he had a belly button, he was born. Duh.
Kelli: Can you imagine having other children after having the perfect one?
Laura: Now there's a complex for you- 'Why can't you be perfect like your big brother, Jesus!'
**Back to the perfection of Christ...**
Monday, October 6, 2008
Why I study, why I don't sleep, why I'm living for life after graduation...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
And I did a little dance in front of my computer...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Compliments of a teacher friend... :)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
"Those people..."
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Facts about (almost) Speech Pathologists
A speech-language pathology student is:
An (almost) professional individual who identifies, assesses, and provides treatment for individuals with speech, language, and swallowing problems, in addition to getting limited amounts of sleep, drinking copious amounts of coffee (which is bad for the vocal folds they claim to protect), and developing a wardrobe which must be at once professional enough to satisfy "business dress" and comfy enough to allow crouching and crawling in. (There is no such wardrobe.)
What do speech-language pathology students do?
Treat speech, language, and swallowing disorders in individuals of all ages, from infants to the elderly. Struggle to find time to grocery shop- until all that remains in the cupboards is JiffyMix and peanut butter. Evaluate and diagnose speech, language, and swallowing disorders. And wonder when daily reading will not consist of 200 pages regarding phonological development.
Where will speech pathology students work?
This is work. After this I'm not working again EVER.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
No fuss.
No girly frills.
And an emphasis on the action of what she's doing, not the means through which it is taking place. A focus on the future together, not the first few hours wedded bliss- seating charts and bird seed. Thanks, roomie.
And don't worry, if it rains you have several options:

Congrats, Lady! Multiple and continuous blessings on you both.
Monday, September 8, 2008
An Idol of The Mouth
(Part of it could be the total lack practice in the studying area since December... Studying is like a sport- you have to practice to stay competitive.)
But my completely overwhelming week took a sudden and drastic turn for the better.
I was meeting with the "Cardigans" when I became aware that...
**drum roll, please**
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
(I know, I know- "duh!")**
Me: What does one wear to a wedding when one's date is wearing a mint green suit, and the the bride is anti-flowy, silky chiffon frou-frou?
Girl roomie: Hmm... well all you really own is flowy...
Me: I know! But I want to branch out and blend in. Besides it's outside and all dresses I own only look good with heels.
Girl roomie: You're right. Your three inch black stilettos.
Me: Exactly.
Girl roomie: That's a toughie. Maybe you should look around a bit. See what's out there?
Me: Ooooh! Good idea- shopping?
Girl roomie: I'm free Thursday and Friday morning. We can get Starbucks.
Me: Let's go Friday. Gosh, I hope I figure something out. If not... well, you know-
Girl roomie: Right- it's all about the bride anyway.
Me: That's what I was thinking. Now... what do you think about...
(conversation continues for 20 minutes.)
Me: What does one wear to a wedding when one's date is wearing a mint green suit, and the bride is anti-flowy, silky chiffon frou-frou?
Al: A simply cotton dress with basic sandals. Put something in your hair and just don't care.
Me: Wow. You're good. And fast.
Al: Besides, everyone will be looking at your date anyway... Have you ordered the pizza?
Me: You're amazing.
Feeling guilty about the goodness...
But how totally, completely, unbelievable is it that after I've made those mistakes, after I've gone running back to God, He doesn't wait a while (so I can prove my merit) to lavish goodness on me. He just showers it. In abundance. Without any requirements on my side.
I, treadmill mentality of grace firmly in hand, think, "Wow. This isn't good. I haven't done anything. God's being good to me, after I had ignored him for so long. Shouldn't I have a period of mourning? A period of suffering? Why on earth is He being so very kind to me?"
And I feel guilty because everything is so inexpressibly good. I feel that I shouldn't be this happy. That I shouldn't be this content. That everything shouldn't be so wonderful.
But I am happy. Things are good. GOD is good.
How amazing. And sobering...
Monday, August 25, 2008
I think I wasn't informed...
I'm starting graduate school today. Yup.
I'm cool. I'm calm. I'm collected.
**I just lied...
I still don't have a finalized class schedule, I just sent out an e-mail that should have been sent out at least 24 hours ago, I've never even met the professor that I'm T.A.ing for, and apparently somewhere along the way someone forgot to tell me that I needed to have 25 hours of clinical observation recorded.
**trusting God. trusting God.
And, one more thing- in addition to not telling me my schedule, my professor, etc.- NO ONE TOLD ME THERE WAS A PHYSICAL REQUIREMENT TO THIS MAJOR!!!
There is.
You should see my classmates. They're all drop-dead gorgeous.
I think I'm going to flunk graduate school...
Would you like fries with that?
Monday, August 18, 2008
You're wishing you were a Blake, aren't you?
We like to wear hats.
"Aww! How fun, and cute!"
Nope. Not really.
Because not only do we like to wear hats, we prefer to wear hats of our own creation. Hats that no one else would ever think to wear. And hats that should never be hats in the first place...
Originally Julie just copied my original design, but she's smart. **refraining from Asian generalization... refraining from Asian generalization...**
Friday, August 15, 2008
Eating now... Humble Pie.
I am a proud person.
You're probably rolling your eyes going, "Well, yeah!" but for me this is a startling revelation. (Well, not entirely, but the grossness of my pride, its very largeness is unbelievable!)
I don't like to be wrong. I don't like to make mistakes. I don't like to have to justify myself and my decisions to others. I hate, hate, HATE it.
I would like for everyone to just blindly accept that I'm amazing, that I make amazing decisions, that what I do is amazing, and that all-round amazingness just exudes from my persona (kinda like a bad cologne).
But this is not the case. And I'm finding that the pride coupled with my intense desire to please people can make my life incredibly miserable at times. So I have a new mantra:
"Am I pleasing God? Am I pleasing God? Lord, help me see, give me wisdom. Am I pleasing you?"
Based on the answer to that question, I then move forward in one direction or another. If I am pleasing God, it doesn't matter what else is going on. It doesn't matter what others think- as much as I may love and desire to please them. And it doesn't matter one, stinkin' iota if I'm not giving off "amazingness cologne." (Who wants to be compared to bad cologne anyway?)
So I'm just going to have to swallow my pride. Admit that I have a tendency to be a total, well, ahem... donkey. And get busy changing and growing in Christ-likeness. I really wish I wasn't quite so flawed... **sigh**
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Plastic Fruit and a Perfect God
God is the perfect God. How gracious of Him to extend to us not only mercy, but also grace. To not only withhold the terrors and troubles, but also to shower the love in tangible, touchable, real ways. How gracious of Him to not be just, and just alone, but also love. Either one without the other would be a thing of terror, we would not want a just God without love, nor a loving God without justice, but the entirety of both, expressed in one being- this is how great our God is.
Jeremiah, chapter one, states that Israel was "worshipping what their hands have made." Derisive criticism and laughter at such blatant stupidity is often how we greet this centuries-old idolatry. Until we remember the things that we ourselves have created and subsequently worshipped- money, possessions, careers, families, relationships... the list continues. We ourselves have made gods with our hands. And we worship them, almost without knowing, subconsciously. They worm into the fiber of our lives, insidiously affecting the way we think, talk, and live. We worship "what our hands have made."
And we've never dreamed, created, or made a god who could be both eternally just and eternally loving. We worship things that are weaker than we are. Of what value is that? It's as though we are a child is content with the "lunch" he or she has made- with plastic fruits on little play plates, while over in the kitchen sits a delicious feast (with goldfish crackers!) created by a parent. No child would argue that their lunch is more fulfilling. No child would argue that their lunch would make them feel full while tasting superior to the parent's offering. No, the simple value found in those plastic replicas is that they, the child, made that meal in and of themselves. Such it is with our false worship of our "gods" and the ignoring, or minimizing of The God. The God perfect in justice and love. The God who can alone fulfill and bring true joy. The God who is so vested in us that before He "formed you in the womb" he knew you. Yet, despite such knowledge, we continue, content "in worshipping what our hands have made."
How very, very sad for us, and our plastic fruit.