Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tonight, as always, Julie-Bop had commandeered my jewelry, in particular, my silver necklace. She was playing with it, abusing it, pulling at it, when all of a sudden the clasp broke and the necklace fell off. Scooping it up, she threw it into my lap and then turned away, eyes innocently cast upward in a "how on earth did that happen?" face.

"Julie." I said soberly. "What happened?"


"Yes, it is an 'oops.' What happened to my necklace?"


"Yes, it's broken. The poor necklace."

At this point a look of great remorse and pity comes over her face. She leans over the broken necklace and pets it saying "awww."

Yes, some children mourn the death of a pet. My little sis mourns the death of jewelry.

What on earth would we do with out our Bops?

We'd probably have a lot less fun...

And if there were no us, parenting would probably be easier for Dad and Mom...

Such good examples.


Dana said...

Aww, so cute! Connor says the funniest things too! We need to get those two together, they'd be a riot!

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha!! Love the Bops!

Erika Aileen. said...

We're amazing i must say.