Julie informed everyone at the lunch table on Sunday that she was going to marry Leah (Miller). We looked at her. Surprised.
She also said that Josh (Streitmatter) was an alternate choice.
Little Bops is a definitely ray of hilarity in our family.
Little Bops is a definitely ray of hilarity in our family.
She loves feeling eyelashes (and calls them by their full name). She even knows what mascara is for.
She requests that we take her picture when she's doing any and all activities and then poses accordingly.

She'll put on a fake "yes, I'm interested" face when she listens to you. She even has an accompanying "Hmmm." Which shows that she could care less, but she's being polite. (Rather like the First Lady at an oil summit.)
She can count on her fingers from one to five.
When asked what animal makes what sound ("What sound does a kitty make?")- she'll grin at you, do a half-wink, and then give you a completely wrong answer. She thinks this is hilarious.
She has to be convinced that an item is "cool" before she'll wear it. (Yes, you literally have to tell her how amazing it is, and how incredible she looks in it.)
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