Wednesday, September 10, 2008

In a few, scant days, my roommate from my sophomore year of college, will be getting married to a very wonderful Curly Haired boy. Congrats, my Lady! While it must be admitted that the bride-to-be and I were (and are) quite different, it must also be admitted that her approach to wedding planning has been quite refreshing.

No fuss.

No girly frills.

And an emphasis on the action of what she's doing, not the means through which it is taking place. A focus on the future together, not the first few hours wedded bliss- seating charts and bird seed. Thanks, roomie.

And don't worry, if it rains you have several options:

Do the bedraggled, artsy bride- very avaunt-garde. Quite stunning. You're one of the few people I know who could do this quite amazingly.

Or make sure you have a photographer that can make dampness look like a party.

And then, of course, I'll bring some rain boot just in case the other two fall through.

Congrats, Lady! Multiple and continuous blessings on you both.

1 comment:

blind irish pirate said...

:) You make me smile! Thanks, Court! I am so excited to get to see you for more than just a brief passing -- rain or no!

And I'm going to say, the crap kickers and rain boots are my back up. Are you bringing your gucci crocs? ;)

(although I'm very flattered you think i could pull off avante gaurde. I don't even know what it is... or how to spell it...)