Tuesday, September 30, 2008

And I did a little dance in front of my computer...

Now, as you all know, I'm a graduate student. I'm currently into my fifth year of "higher-level" education. During the past nine months, however, I've been attempting something that I've never attempted in my life (nor had any desire to attempt)-

Financial independence. 

I have the most generous parents. (No, seriously. They are. I'd put them up against any other parent out there.) Thanks to them, while I DID work during my undergrad, it was only to cover sundry expenses like books, school supplies, and the occasional shopping binge that I could hardly refrain from. (It's hard! Especially when there's a shoe sale...) But after graduating in December, I decided to try something new. I decided to try to **drumroll please...**


I know. It's a bit shocking. But my parents only signed up for four years of higher education. They didn't bank on a daughter who wanted more letters after (and maybe before) her name. (Doesn't Dr. Courtney, Ph.D. sound fun!?!) So I decided to try, as hard as I could, to take care of all my expenses.

I think my father can attest to the (often lack of) "successfulness" of my adventure. There were months when I spent only $30 on groceries and was so sick of peanut butter and white bread after that I haven't eaten it since. (I went home almost every Sunday for lunch and leftovers...) Then there was that time when I thought I was in the black and bought throw pillows. Only to realize that I hadn't paid the electric. (Had to call Dad for that one...) There was the computer, which I desperately needed, but could only have bought on an installment plan (once again, Dad to the rescue), and so it continues.

But, during that time I also- started a savings account, paid for my $1,000 insurance deductible on my car, set up my own health insurance, and paid for everything else (food, clothes, utilities- except those mentioned above...) all on my own. (I know! I'm so grown-upish.)

And it was a little tight at times.

But today, while balancing check-book and paying bills, I came across a startling discovery. PURDUE IS PAYING ME. Don't look at me like I'm dumb. I knew that they would. They said they would when I got my teaching assistantship. But although I crunched the numbers many times, I still came up with a rather small monthly pittance.

But I did my math wrong!!! (This will probably be the only time I'm excited about that.)

I have enough now to pay the bills, and put (a little) money in my savings account without bothering the parents! Whoo-hoo! It's not much, but it's more than I've lived on for the past 9 months, so I'm grateful. 

And yes, as soon as I realized what had happened, I did a dance in front of my computer screen.

God is amazing! 
(Have I said that before?)

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