Erika and I were going to have a study date-day. I had a whole itinerary mapped out (does that surprise anyone?). We were going to camp out the meter-allotted time at Einstein's, imbibing amounts of free-refill coffee that will never be known to the non-coffee-drinking world. Following our designated parking time, we would trek across the street, beg the library parking guard to not tow us at the end of two hours (who spends just two hours in a library?), and hunker down to some serious studying.
Except I got stuck in the driveway.
Mock me if you will, fearless Michigan/Canada/Wisconsin/God-forsaken-northern-corner-of-the-world driver, but getting out of one's drive way is sometimes the most fearful leg of an across-town trip.
Especially when you're not paying attention and you just back right off the driveway without realizing it...

Just think of the copious amounts of coffee money we are saving.
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