Today I just want to pout. Be discontent. Disgruntled. I think I'm at a constant low-grade angry. Nothing violent enough to inflict bodily harm on the people around me, but definitely enough to make smiling less enjoyable. Usually such moods are quickly evaporated, returning only at rare intervals. However, such an outlook has hovered in the corners of my life (occasionally taking center stage) for longer than usual.
I'm blaming this recent episode of grumpiness on the complete lack of sun. I am sun-dependent. I'm sure there's a verse somewhere that says "Rejoice in the Lord always, (except when you live in the midwest and don't see the sun for 53 consecutive days...)."
Perhaps I should just publish a list of topics to be avoided until the sun re-appears. Here we go: the price of gas, bills, my current shopping hiatus, boyfriends, your love of fish/vacations/country music. Please also don't mention: spring break, promotions, raises, or how great it is to be out of school. Avoid politics, make-up brands, and controversial doctrine. The following are also off limits: any brewing love interests, your projected tax refund, how cute your new puppy is, how it's strange I'm still single, why good chocolate is so hard to find, and how your pet goldfish died.
I just can't handle it right now.
Address concerns to me once again.... after the sun comes back.

I have to be honest, C., the ONLY thing that keeps me going this winter are 2 things:
A fishing vacation in Minnesota in the SUN. And walking to the bus stop in the SUN (and not the ice).
The sun came out today- it was probably for you!
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