But one of my goals is an increase in Christ-likeness through cultivating humility (which is a very difficult attribute to cultivate if you've ever tried...). So here are some of my goals for 2010:
1. Read a total of 4, non-fiction, Christian life and growth books.
I hate reading non-fiction, and I'm appalled that this is the case. However, most authors bore me halfway through their books as they start to repeat themselves over and over. Suggestions for excellent books in this genre appreciated.
2. Try at least one extreme sport and run a race.
I loathe, yet admire athleticism. 2010 is my year to become slightly more "athletic."
3. Find a job. In a major metropolis. Preferably NYC.
I graduate in August. It's time for real life to begin, and if it must start, I'd prefer that it start somewhere where I can shop for Burberry and visit art galleries on the weekends.
4. Go to Europe!
I've dreamed about it for the past 6 years. I tried to go after my senior year of college, but obstacles arose, and I didn't go. But that's not going to happen in 2010! I want so very, very badly to back-pack across that history laden continent for several weeks. It sounds amazing.
Goal #4 is probably the goal that will encourage most of the other goals to keep going. So if random pictures of Ireland, France, or Germany appear on this blog, just know that it's a rough day, and I'm existing on the hope of travel alone.

True Story: A Christianity Worth Believing In.
The ONLY Christian nonfiction book I could stomach AND enjoy.
i'm reading transforming grace right now by Jerry Bridges and I love it... and recommend it :)It is kind of like the Cross Centered Life on steroids.
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