Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Garage Door Dance

Today, as I was backing out of the garage, I realized that I did not have a garage door closer and would, as a result, have to jump out of my car, run back in the garage, close the garage door, and then exit from the "manual" garage door. I jump out. I run to the garage door button. I push it, and it starts to go down. I head to the manual door. Half way there I realize I could just run out of the closing garage door. I turn, but it's too far down. I turn back to the garage door button to make it go up, so that I can exit by my new plan. Halfway there, I remember that I can still exit through the manual door. I turn back around. Almost to the manual door I remember the last time it slammed down on my toes, and I turn back to push the electric door button again, so that my toes don't get squashed. Then I remember that my car is right outside, still running with gas at a whopping $3.09 per gallon. I turn back to the manual door and exit via my first strategy.

The electric door slams shut.

My thought pattern was quite clear to me... but to the casual observer it probably looked like I was doing some voodoo dance as I ran around in three circles, very quickly, inside the garage as the door descended.

I should probably think more (or less) before my feet start moving...

My feet did not get squashed in the manual door. Next time I plan on using the "exit closing door" strategy.

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