Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A little girl I was tutoring yesterday mentioned the new book she was reading. I was thrilled that she was reading (she has literacy problems) and decided to ask for more info. Apparently there's a new American Girl doll, "Julie" and her pal "Ivy" on the market and in the library. (For those illiterate in the wonder that is the "American Girl doll" it's a collection of dolls which take portions of American history and make them cute by dressing them in crisp colonial dresses and giving them little Victorian tea sets and writing fictional books to accompany them. They're amazingly trite. And so much fun. Definitely made for girls...) I asked what era this doll is from.

"Well, she's from the '80s, but she's still cute."



Dana said...

LOVE it. I of course knew exactly what you were talking about. I did NOT know they had made an 80's version. I'd be curious to see what it looks like.

Anonymous said...

Curiousity overwhelmed me and I looked it up online. I was relieved to see she is actually from the 70's. I am pleased to say we are not old enough yet for historical dolls to be made of out generation.

COURTNEY said...

I know. Praise God we're not history yet. ;)