Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Okay. Markus and I played "Twenty Questions." I think he loves this game because he's good at it. (The day he beat the little electronic version they sell at Walmart was a red-letter day.) I'm horrible. (I couldn't even beat my sister when she was five.) But this time I "beat" him... well, kind of. You decide:

In 22 guesses my final guess was "Post-It." The word Markus was thinking of was "index card."

In 27 guesses, Markus's final guess was "figurine." The word I had chosen was "inbox."

You decide who came closer to "winning." Keep in mind total number of guesses and proximity of the final guess to the actual word. This is important. Not only are bragging rights attached to claiming this victory, but the loser is also subject to random acts of service based on the winner's whims.


Unknown said...

Ahem... lest readers be wrongly swayed, it is worth mentioning that CB's "post-it" guess came after I broke down and gave the less-than-subtle clue that I have numerous copies of the object stacked in my desk.

Furthermore, I was forced to contend with an object whose inherent polymorphism produced vague, directionless, and often contradictory replies to my very reasonable guesses. That is, because an "inbox" can be either a boxlike tray/basket on one's desk for holding incoming messages, OR a component of an e-mail account, guesses tending toward either usage of the word were met with puzzling qualifications and noncommittal equivication. Just imagine the confusion and unfair advantage!

COURTNEY said...

Boo. You and your big words.

I gave you plenty of clues.

Bad loser...

Dana said...

From reading CB's blog I totally was going to go with her as the clear winner, I mean post-its are pretty darn close to index cards. On top of that a figurine really has NOTHING to do with an inbox.

Then MS used all his "big words" and I started thinking "He's right, that wasn't fair!" He gave her a HUGE clue and then word he had to guess had more than one meaning and clearly there were contradictory answers...

It appears there are two versions of what really happened....just depends on who you ask.

M. Kate said...

the two of you are making me a little sick up here in the frozen're gonna have to stop with the ridiculous cutie-ness

Dude, give it up, she one, big words or get back to reading your dictionary.


Dana said...

Just cheking in on the vote tally.

Today I feel like Courtney won. Us girls, we gotta stick together...

COURTNEY said...


I won!!!

**the polls are now closed...**