Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mitt Romney's no longer running for president! And in the local news...

Today I had to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on my door. Yes. I did.

Let it be noted that the roomie and I have door problems. I noticed it in July when it became necessary to body slam the door in order to lock it. (This action is now second nature.) But the problem became more evident in November, when locking the door started to take two hands to pull, hoist, and tug the door to the appropriate angle and a third hand to turn the lock. (Seeing as I only have two hands, this produced some interesting gyrations for my neighborhood audience.) But the bitter cold of January showed the true stubbornness of this door. Today I couldn't even get the door unlocked. The key would not even insert into the key hole. It was due to the cold. I myself was cold. (And possessing rather fragile patience after saying, "Sound it out. Sit still. No... what sound does "b" make again?" countless times...) I was a brave woman. A resourceful woman. And a desperately in need of food woman, so I leaned over, and breathed warm air all over that lock. It worked. I'm lucky it wasn't colder or the roomie would have arrived to find me with my tongue attached to the door knob...

I bought throw pillows tonight. They're gorgeous and stuffed with down. They make me feel rich.

I also bought my FIRST EVER pair of frivolous shoes. Despite what I say about loving shoes and spending obscene amounts of money on them- I don't. I had one pair of black heels (which I had owned since my junior year of highschool- 6 years.) until Leah's wedding in October, when I bought some others because I was afraid the heels would snap from over-use mid-ceremony. I have one pair of black flats, one pair of brown flats, and one pair of brown heels. All cute-ish. But all practical. Today I bought impractical shoes. Suffice to say they are patterned, peep-toed, and have dark red trim. I will wear them on Sunday. MY FIRST PAIR OF FRIVOLOUS SHOES!!! Gosh, they're cute...

I taught Drew how to preach today.

I usurped the control of 18 3rd graders from a clue-less student teacher. The kids were running wild. I took over for self-preservation. And I was obsequious and deferential to the teacher the rest of the hour. But she probably hates me. I'd hate me if I came in and did that to me...

I cleaned. It smells like eco-friendly apple cleaner.

I loved today.

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