Sunday, February 3, 2008

I learned this week that I'm horrible at communicating.

I've learned that it's okay to have a "boring" morning routine.

I've learned that days with focused Bible study are better than those whose study is haphazard.

I've learned that chili (though good) every lunch and every dinner (for an entire week!) can be a little much.

I learned that Yankee Candles "Buttercream Icing" is like an olfactory sedative.

I've learned that I am completely and totally unable to formulate coherent thoughts and phrases when problem solving.

I've learned that kicking your shoes off vehemently is not good. Especially when they get lost in a pile of clothes.

I've learned that if you're wearing anything pink (even if you look ghastly) a kindergarten girl will think you're beautiful.

I've learned that flowers from the right person are wonderful.

I've learned to redefine what a "good week" is.

I've learned that learning isn't always color-coded notes and textbooks.

This is good.

But I think next week I could do with a little less learning...


M. Kate said...

I know what that week felt like. :)

M. Kate said...

and...that is a super cute picture of you and that guy over there ;)

COURTNEY said...

Thanks! :)

And it's nice to know someone empathizes

Ann-Marie said...

Courtney you crack me up...and the pink comment goes for poor jewelry choices too :/