Tuesday, March 11, 2008

To whom it may concern on the TSC school board:

Dear Sirs,

I feel compelled to voice my concern over your education and fine arts policy at Klondike Elementary. It has come to my attention that your students only attend and/or participate in plays, convocations, and other various guest performances and events on a bi-weekly basis. The other three days a week are completely devoid of such musical gems as "Stone Soup" and "The ABC's with Dr. Seuss." Now, I have been told that of those remaining three days two of them are used for field trips to dairy farms and dentist offices, but what about that one vacant day each week? What is being done with that day? Are these students actually sitting in a classroom learning, reading, and memorizing meaningless information (such as the differences between a pronoun and preposition, and how many presidents there have been in the U.S. of A.)? I must tell you I am deeply concerned, and I suggest remedial action be taken ASAP. This day can not long remain productive. To leave it as such would be a travesty.

Thank you for your time.

C. E. Blake


Unknown said...

C - Although you and the educational establishment may be failing to equip our young for their future in an increasingly competitive global economy, rest easy knowing that you are raising up a new generation of open-minded, permissive, and stylishly maladjusted liberal arts majors.

Dana said...

fine arts? I'd be happy for one day a week at Miller....lol