Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lee Morrison once said a very profound, life-impacting thing to me. I have never forgotten it.

"Courtney," he said, "People who wear sweatpants in public have officially given up on life."

I was humbled. I was rebuked. I was at a movie night with Leah clad in my men's XL Purdue sweats. I was comfy. But I was chastened.

Others have been similarly confronted: Leah, Bev, Sarah... the list goes on.

Well, to those humbled, rebuked, and chastened in their comfort- I think you should know:

Lee wore sweats. In public. On stage. Last night.

Apparently he's given up on life. Just thought you should know...


Hayden405 said...

I was there, I saw them too!

MadMup said...

For the record, Lee's actually quoting Seinfeld when he says that - Jerry says it about George because George started wearing sweatpants out in public.

And, in Lee's defense, sweatpants could be considered work clothes when he's being a stagehand :)

Unknown said...

agree with Madmup. Pants are just that - be them denim, cotton, polyster, whatever. Don't hate on that which covers Lee's legs (it's far better than the alternative!).

Mel Eik said...

Mup & Markus - Do not be giving excuses for the man! He has previously shamed others, as mentioned in this post. He deserves to be chastened. Way to go, C.E.!

Unknown said...

I do not "recall" wearing sweat pants to practice. I may have worn underarmor pants that were gray. Underarmor is not sweat pants they are to cool to be classified as sweat pants. Thank you to my loyal friends mup and Markus for a defense. For those blood thirsty ones. Hmmm.