Monday, March 31, 2008

Note to self: Work on Phone Skills

So, this was the weekend of phone faux pas. Let it be stated (before the following is read) that I am a horrible phone conversationalist. I don't like talking on the phone. I'm not good at it. I'm getting better (I used to pace psychotically and stammer), but I'm still not entirely comfortable with the phone.

Friday I worked with Drew. As soon as I dropped him off I picked up the phone to call Markus. (We had been playing phone tag all day.) Once again, I get his voice mail. Halfway through the message I get to a blind intersection. It always freaks me out, so I put myself on autopilot in my voice message so I could pull out safely. Unfortunately, autopilot me chooses to say, "Okay, honey, I love you bunches!" The real me suddenly hears autopilot me. Real me is shocked.

"Whoa chicken! I don't love you! I mean... of course I LIKE you. I like you a lot. I thought I was talking to my dad. I mean, I don't think you're my dad, but you know. Um, I'm driving. Actually, I probably shouldn't be talking and driving. I think I'll say goodbye now. Bye." **click**

Markus listened to it 4 times and called me laughing uncontrollably. He saved it. Many people have since heard it. This is why I never sing the "Humble me" songs in church. I'm afraid God will actually listen and do it.


SooAnn said...

I TOTALLY had the same experience with Matt when we first started was quite humbling, but funny!! :)

Mel Eik said...

I am crying.... THAT was hysterical!!!

Dana said...