Saturday, January 26, 2008

Today Markus came and played carpet ball with "Bear" and I.

Drew and I prepped extensively for this visit. We talked about how we really, really wanted to meet "Markus Bear." (I even suggested that we call him "Markus"- sans "bear"- but Drew would have none of it.) We talked about how I really liked "Markus Bear" and how, as a result, Drew should like "Markus Bear." And then we established that Drew was the first, the only, and the favorite "bear" in my book. Finally, we were ready to meet Markus.

Drew was so excited the whole entire time that he jumped up and down and rocked back and forth and could hardly talk. He didn't growl at all. Not even when Markus beat him three times out of four. After Markus left he was still rocking and laughing.

"Did you hear Markus Bear, Courts? Did you hear him? He has a nice, growly bear voice." (I had talked about this as a positive aspect prior to their meeting.) We talked about how nice it was to play carpet ball with a "man" instead of a wimpy girl (me). And in conclusion Drew sighed,

"It was so nice to meet Markus Bear... You know, I dream about him every night- it's one of the nicest thing ever to dream about..."

I doubled over in silent laughter.
But I had to agree.


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