Andrew Steven Viars happens to be one of my favorite persons on God's green earth. (A fact he constantly checks by asking, "Do you love me, Courtenaem?" More recently he's even started checking that I like him MORE than other people... He's not too fond of Markus or the new lil' sis Julie.) Why "Bear" is one of my favorites will hopefully become obvious in this post.
Driving in the car on an incredibly steamy day, I began to bemoan my curly frizz developing all over my head. Drew cut me off- "Court! God made you with curly hair. Cope and deal."
Whenever we go to the Community Center if Mr. Joe Keck is there, Drew usually winds up with a Fuji apple. Apples are "Bear's favorite," and Joe always remembers. One day before lunch (which contained one of the aforementioned apples) I told Drew that he needed to pray and thank God for making his favorite food- Fuji apples. Drew snorted- "Oh Courtney, God doesn't make Fuji apples. Joe Keck does."
He made up his own country, "Hmnavia." In Hmnavia all the people wear red bathrobes all the time, live in cabanas on the beach (the entire country is beach), and eat only fish and fresh strawberries. He even made up his own language (Hmnavian) for this country. On very bad days we talk about running off to Hmnavia and never coming back.
He calls me, "hot one," and beats me at carpet ball. He'll sing, "You Are My Sunshine" with words just for me. He calls me "Courtenaem" (for no obvious reason), and he uses Spanish and German adjectives to describe things he likes. Whenever he works out on the treadmill he asks me, "Can you see my muscles growing?" He calls Julie a "hot tomale" and loves to make cookies. He doesn't like macaroni and cheese. When told to smile in a photo he tries... he really does...

He's my DrewBear.
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