Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I sense that I'm becoming boring.

I packed a balanced lunch today and laid out my clothes last night. I didn't buy the red shoes because they're not practical. I'm eating vegetables every day because they're "good for me." I go to bed at a decent hour. I don't speed. I make my own coffee instead of buying Starbucks. I remember to charge my phone, change my car oil, and empty the dishwasher. I don't go places on school nights. I haven't followed any crazy urges. This is probably because I have no crazy urges...

Yes. It's official.

I'm boring.


Unknown said...

there are far worse things that one could be.

J said...

If you're boring, what does that make me??

COURTNEY said...

Awww... roomie- you're cute.

Markus. True. But not necessarily comforting...

Anonymous said...

so i'm thinking how could a girl who has dyed her hair 18+ times be boring...or the one who makes Julie a puppet....

to your observation: i say "NO"

(btw, just to get this comment up here i had to have war with the stupid blog password thing..arg)