Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Summer of...

There are periods of my life in which I believe that there is little I can do, and even less that I can do well. Instead of "girding up my loins" and getting dirty and sweaty to correct my flaws and failures (or at the very least, shrug them off, laugh, and try again) I crumple into a heap and moan, "Woe is me! I am a waste of space!" And then I proceed to eat a carton of ice cream while watching two hours of "FRIENDS" on TBS. My subsequent apathy and pity cause me to shy away from people, convinced that I am the scum of the earth. My confidence is shot, my cheerfulness is obliterated, I feebly stay upright (but just because it's hard to eat ice cream lying down...)

After emerging from one of these aforementioned slumps, I had an epiphany. It wasn't a very brilliant one, but that may be attributed to the fact that ice cream goes to my head.

I decided to become confident. Not cocky. Not proud. But content in the fact that God and "His power has given us everything we need for life and godliness." By acknowledging this- I attack my view that I am all that I need to succeed. And that I have everything that I need to live successfully. I don't. And I can't. And when I think that I can and subsequently fail, I plunge into an ice cream eating stupor.

So, no longer! I'm going to attack three flaws that are undermining my ability to please God with my gifts and abilities. (Keep in mind these are over-arching goals- my strategic planning father taught me to under gird these with small, measurable steps, and I have.)

1. I will become a better steward of my time.
2. I will become a better steward of my body. (No more ice cream eating binges...)
3. I will become a better steward of gifts, abilities, and opportunities.

This is the summer. The summer of confidence!

I'm throwing out my ice cream...


Kristi said...

I think Pasor Goode used to say - "all of us are like the rest of us"
Take heart in knowing that we're all working on becoming confident in Christ!!
Will be praying!

I'm honored that you would include me in your blog list :o)

blind irish pirate said...

Sometimes I confidently eat ice cream.


(ask me sometime about my eating habits. then teach me.)