I found this while searching Google images under the title of "speech therapy." (Don't ask me why- it was a combination of stress- too much to do- and laziness- not wanting to do anything.)
I would like to correct a few common mis-conceptions:
We do not wear scrubs. We wear cute clothes. I like to wear scarves a lot. And I wore heels for 12 hours yesterday. One cannot wear heels and scrubs.
I have never made a child do tongue exercises with a tongue depressor. It is a grossly unfounded and controversial therapy technique that has no long-term benefits. We play games. And the kid has little or no idea that they're actually doing speech therapy.
I'm sure I never make ridiculous faces when modeling to my client. (Hahahaha! Riiiight...)
We don't have fun red tables. They're brown. The red ones may be too much sensory info for some of our poor little clients.
I sit in the little chairs too...
Actually, think of speech therapy more like this:

1 comment:
I can sympathize with you on your observations, mostly. As a SLP of almost 20 years, I have never worn scrubs, except after some dysphagia patients 'returned' their bolus on me.
I've done therapy with a tongue depressor, not for OM exercise, but tongue guidance.
You name the face, I've made it and I've lost every game I've played in 20 years :)
I've treated on all sorts of colored tables and even boxes, desks and study carrels. I've treated in closets, paper rooms, bathrooms, underneath staircases and in cloak rooms. Once it was even suggested to me by a principal that I could use the kitchen, until I told him that it's against the law in that state for children to be in the kitchen...
As far as the chairs, keep doing back stretches...you'll be happy in 20 years that you did.
My other observation of the picture is how in the world can she lean over and place that depressor on her lips with her legs crossed!!
Good luck and happy speaking!
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