Myself: I'm am more of a conservative than a Republican. I feel that term more aptly describes my political/social view.(I don't like a lot of things that "my party" does. But I like the other side even less, so...) I believe in the right of life for both the unborn and elderly. I don't think the government should over-see more aspects of our lives- I think it should back off. I think public education, while it can often be good, is flawed in many areas. I hate socialized healthcare with a passion. I'm against taxing the rich a greater percentage than the poor. I am a Puritan work-ethic, out-spoken, Supreme-Court-is-full-of-it, conservative American. Our country is going through a hard time. But I believe that this should be an incentive for the kind and the compassionate to engage with and serve the world, not a cry for more governmental involvement through massive incurring of debt. (There. Now you know where I stand. Feel free to disagree as much as you want. Or not. Whatev.)
My Rant: I respect those in governmental authority. I believe our president is a brave man to tackle the mess we're in. However, when he and congress stop listening to the people they represent- I get angry. So, while I applaud President Obama for his eager determination to help the U.S. of A., I cannot help but express frustration at the "We can do it better. Let the brains in Washington figure it out" mentality that many in power seem to have (that goes for both sides of the aisle).

I hate to say it for fear of starting it up, but I think Obama does have ethics and honor.
Yes, but I don't think that they're comprehensive. Most people have ethics and honor to some extent, whether or not they are as comprehensive as they need to be- well, very few people have that.
For example- I may believe that abortion is wrong, but I may not think that stealing company time on my time card is wrong.
I may have ethics. But not comprehensively. This is, I believe a common flaw.
Sound good? :)
I am inspired to go buy a big white posterboard, write all the brilliant sayings from all the conservative protesters on it, fold it up, and mail it to Obama.I feel poor just thinking about his stimulus plan.
I think your flaming conservative values will serve you well in life.
Oh, and thanks for educating my neighbors about Democrats yesterday (that's going to be one of my favorite Courtney memories)
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