Saturday, April 12, 2008

Because I don't have the attention to write an actual blog entry....

I like orange soda. This is the first orange flavored item I have ever liked. (Barring actual oranges of course...)

Wet dogs smell funny and shouldn't sit on your pastor's arm chair. (Even if it is your pastor's dog...)

The Lysol with Febreeze is my new favorite cleaning supply.

I beat Markus for the first time on any board game this weekend. I didn't win the game. I just beat Markus. It was enough for me. :)

I think (if it wasn't rank cruelty) I would call one of my future sons "Edgar."

Without coffee I'm literally (no joke!) falling asleep while standing. This would be known as an addiction.

I want to paint a room plum and orange. Probably people would be blinded as soon as they entered, but I think it sounds fun... and completely impractical.

I can't beat 5th grade second language learners at Scattegories. However, I can beat the 2nd graders. Good to know.

Buying gas is my least favorite thing to do.

I need to write a full-blown, coherent journal-approximated blog entry some time in the near future. Not sure why I have been so completely unable to formulate coherent thoughts and witty ideas. Perhaps it's because I have been busy doing other things. (Like finally seeing family and boyfriend! Yay!)

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