Wednesday, August 29, 2007

When I woke up this morning I had one of those half cognizant realizations that you're always confused by. It was a "where did that come from?" Yes. I had one. At 6:00 a.m., just as my alarm clock went off, I had the startling revelation that I needed to buy toilet paper. Am I out? Not yet, but upon checking my supply, I saw that restocking might be nice. That's not the point. The point is- WHAT on earth possessed me to think of toilet paper before I was fully conscious?

I need to move to a colder climate. I have countless cute sweaters. And it's 90 degrees outside. Currently I look like a hippy remnant with my odd assortment of clothes. I don't like looking hippy. I like looking preppy.

I put white-chocolate-rasberry creamer in my coffee this morning.

I turned in a paper in English class and my professor offered me a job when I graduated. It's in Frankfort, so probably not... but I shan't burn that bridge.

All the computer labs were being used, so I went to visit Jodi. Jodi is one of my favorite people alive. She's amazing. She was my boss for about a year, and now I just stop by out of habit. We chatted for a good hour both agreeing that we tend to judge people on how they dress- I pointed out that I look like a hippy. She laughed. And agreed. Rightly so.

Then Erest called- apparently Bops loves my sunglasses- my huge bug ones. I KNEW that she was amazing! Right after that I called Bunny. We talked for 35 minutes and 47 seconds while I went to go get a den pop and look for an open lab. We need a girly movie and a life outside of West Lafayette and school assignments. I think we're going to Indy in a week...

I have two more classes. One which I'm changing to honors so I can effectively kill myself through over-working in my last semester of college, and the other in which the black girl who sits behind me snorts and says, "White people are dumb." every 30 seconds. Should be a fun day...

Then work. :)

Then children's choir, which I forsee being my new passion.

Then coffee.

Then massive amounts of studying until I fall asleep on my Child Psych notes.

Should be fun.

Happy Wednesday!

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