Thursday, August 23, 2007


I am a frantic (happy) workaholic.

The new school year always opens my eyes with startling revelations- this was one of them. I really am. I love to be incredibly, insanely busy. I love to be running from morning to night, from one activity to another, constantly moving, constantly going, constantly opening my schedule to peruse my next activity. Such mayhem is my passion. I'm happier, more alert, bubbly, and incredibly full of energy. I love it. I've decided that in the future I will HAVE to have a job that requires my constant running and stress. Or I could become a mother. Either, or...

Being loved is amazing.

This was the second revelation. When I began my college experience I took admiration, like, and especially love for granted. That's not to say that I had an excess of any of those (barring love from my fam) but they were common. Normal. Now, as a jaded senior, love suddenly is incredible. And rare. I treated being loved as a matter of fact when I started college, now I view it as something to be highly prized. I'm very sure that there are multiple people who's love or affection I have rebuffed, ignored, or underappreciated. And I'm even more sure that (in many of those cases) I was a complete idiot. I'm flawed at loving, and even more flawed at accepting love, but despite my errors I am now sure that the greatest thing any human can do (other than love his/her Creator) is love and be loved. Victor Hugo says it marvelously in Les Miserables "Life's greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved."

Okay, enough intensity. As a reward for your patience, dear reader, in wading through my foggy thoughts and half-formed ideas and convictions, I will now proffer several lighter revelations impressed upon me by this school year.

I love my new, purple water bottle. It's shatter-proof, stain-proof, and has a fabulous little insert that keeps me from dumping water all over myself. (Which, as many know, I am prone to do.)

My mortar board has never looked so fabulous and I think color-coding one's life is one of the most fascinating past times EVER. For this, (and my penchant for organizing 3-ring binders) I am dubbed (perhaps appropriately) a "nerd."

Engineers are born tired. They look exhausted the first week of school, so it must be an innate, genetic thing that makes them look tired, for (surely!) they could not be strained to the point of exhaustion just yet...

I like spending money. But not on rent, groceries, books, and bills.

Coffee is my motivation for getting up in the morning. My new white-chocolate-raspberry creamer is the last word in heaven on this earth.

I love my Julie-Bop. And I miss her...

End of revelations, or, at least of the ones I'll share.

Happy first week of classes!


David said...

Yay for the Les Mis quote. Yay for classes. (Boo for color coding.) Yay for coffee.

Yay for a blog comment with no verbs.

Unknown said...

engineers are not born tired (you obviously haven't seen one next to a spreadsheet ... or seen me in a poo plant!)

I'll forgive your oversight - it's ok. [just pondering why i took your comment to heart - surely i haven't become one of 'them']

Ann-Marie said...

I completely agree with you on the love thing...and sadly it really is something that we under write very well by the way :)