Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Writing without transitions

I feel like blowing bubbles. Bubble gum bubbles. While swinging. That sounds like a perfect way to spend my day.

Instead, I'm here. In a computer lab. Trying (with little luck) to summon enough motivation to finish two lab write-ups and several extra-credit assignments. I should be motivated. But I'm not. At all.


There was a guy who just walked by my wearing a shirt saying "Everyone loves an Italian boy." Is that true? If so, then I'm even odder than I thought. I've never noticed that I have a special penchant for Italian boys. If anything I notice that they (more than the average man) have difficulty in keeping their eyebrows well-groomed. This seems to be a predominantly Italian flaw. Just watch any Lifetime movie with those "handsome" Italian heroes. Seriously. Can a guy be attractive if it looks like he's pasted two caterpillars to his forehead? Perhaps I'm just too picky...

I gave myself a manicure this morning. I actually got up at 6:30 so I could squeeze in this crucial grooming exercise. I was very impressed with my self-discipline. And I was also very thankful that I had because we talked about grooming in psychology class this morning and how it affects how people treat you. Come to think of it, that guy I bumped into this morning was very friendly. Probably all because of my impeccable manicure. Yay for social psychology!

The family called from China. My mom started crying on the phone because she missed me. Or it could have been because Julie just made a horrible mess in her diaper. But Dad cleaned it up, so it couldn't have been that... I also spent several expensive minutes explaining to my sister how to spot a fake Burberry. With any luck I'll wind up with an original.

I eat in computer labs. Does anyone else do this? It's blatantly disobeying the rules, but I continue in the error of my ways. It's one of the few things I'm openly rebellious about. I'm usually a (seemingly) compliant person. But not when it comes to whether or not I can eat my Easy Mac in the lab. Nope. In that area I'm defiant with a vengeance.

Guess what I discovered today? I don't have a crush. Not one. There's not even a list. I've become an emotionless blob in that department. It's quite nice. Very restful.

I also discovered that I hate shorts. With a passion. However, pants are too hot to wear in the summer. So I had a brain wave today- I'll just wear skirts. That's my plan. For the summer. Unless I'm swinging and blowing bubble-gum bubbles. In that situation I shall probably wear shorts....

1 comment:

Joseph C. Blake said...

Dear Babe Woo,
Can Julie and I swing and blow bubbles with you? She is getting more and more active and responsive, still she is a classic case of an instutionalized child. She studies her hands and bangs her head against her crib (the head bqanging makes her a sure fit in the family). BTW the litter box will make you a better person.