Thursday, February 11, 2010

Word-Freeze, Brain-Block, Cover letter-Conundrum

Usually, dear reader, as you have doubtless surmised, I do not have difficulty in stringing a series of words together. Granted, I often string too many words together, but it could never be argued that I can't produce a sentence.

Well, that is until I start writing cover letters.

I'm an epic failure at writing cover letters.

I have all my jobs listed, organized from least to most desirable. I updated my resume, I've contacted various hospitals, and I've done a detailed search of 27 different websites in order to gather all desirable jobs into my collection. What an organized, professional life I lead!

Until it comes to cover letters.

My goal is four today and four tomorrow, and at least four every week until a job is obtained.

How hard could it be to boil down years and years of work into a one-page word document with an appropriately polite heading "Dear sirs,"?

Very hard.

I've currently consumed two cups of coffee, opened three different word documents, caught up on a variety of e-mails, all of which have done nothing to actually get me a job.

My cover letter currently reads:

To whom it may concern:

I've worked hard.

I will work hard.

Hire me.


Sincerely, Me

Clearly it needs some work...

So, next time you see me, dear reader, ask me in a stern voice (it will only work if you're stern), "C., did you finish your cover letters?" And if I hem and haw about color-coded decision-making charts, you slam your fist down on that table and say,


I would appreciate it.


1 comment:

emily said...

I understand completely. Once I even sent a resume with no cover letter, just to see if it would work. The lack of phone call from the place to which I sent it is showing me that cover letters, unfortunately, are probably necessary. Darn it.