Monday, August 24, 2009

Define: seek (sēk) v. sought (sôt), seek·ing, seeks: To try to locate or discover; search for, To endeavor to obtain or reach

This morning, I spent some time on Psalm 105:4, and the following struck me...

If it is my job to seek God, and if the riches that follow such a quest are as great as they are, why is it that I so constantly get pulled away and distracted? The competing activities and thoughts all come down to one thing:

I do not know my God.

Could I but see a glimpse of the power and overwhelming beauty of my Savior and God, no doubt all else would be wiped from my mind, and I could not even entertain viewing another as more important than the Almighty.

A life that is lived seeking the glory of my God is accomplished by knowing that same God. That knowledge erases all other thoughts and distractions. How simple is the recipe for Christian growth! How gracious of God to make it so! Only through knowing him, having an increasing knowledge of his love, grace, mercy, justice, sacrifice... (etc.) can I expect life-transforming change as I become the creature he created me to be for his glory.

What a delightful quest! How pleasant the painful task of change becomes when I realize that I am not in the foreground. My God is.

Lord, allow me to follow Psalm 105:4 today...

"Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always."
(Ps. 105:4)

1 comment:

Monica said...

Thank you Courtney for this wonderful blessing today! You have so much to make us think about! If you keep writing, I will keep reading! I love you, girl!