Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Apple Update!

Can't escape my need to communicate everything in written form.

This post is being penned in the Apple store on a Mac that apparently loves German. Currently it's telling me that every word in this sentence is misspelled. All well, gotta love free WiFi.

I was bummed I left my yoga pants in W. Laf, because I definitely could have joined in an outdoor yoga class at Bryant Park this morning...

Okay, now to Central Park and the Met, then I think, on my way back for dinner, I'm going to stop at St. Patrick's Cathedral for mass. I've never been to mass, and I think it's about time I went. Don't worry, I'm a fundamental evangelical to the very core of my soul.

It's so hot my make-up from Saks is melting!

P.S. I'm buying this MacBook Pro as soon as my current favorite, "Bob" dies. Don't tell Bob.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Isn't that the coolest Apple store? They were showing a movie in Bryant Park when we were there - too bad we couldn't stay! have fun!