Thursday, July 30, 2009

Vulnerable Me

Today I'm very tired and alone.

I had to ask my father for money. Again.

I feel as though God is taking a battering ram to my failures and flaws.

I don't think I listened to my accountability friends this morning- I just wanted to solve, solve, solve.

I've stared at final reports, lesson plans, and session notes for so long (revising, rewriting, revising, rewriting). That I'm just exhausted.

I don't know what I'm doing... I have an interview in NYC next week, but I'm so disillusioned with my major that I almost don't want to fly out.

I just feel very raw, alone, and bruised right now. I know it's a feeling and "this too shall pass." But for the time being I just want to crawl back under my blankets and cry...

1 comment:

Erika Aileen. said...

Listen to this:

I love you...the way you are.