Sunday, July 19, 2009

Having Fallen, He Will Help Me

I have been busy this summer. But it's been a grumpy, disgruntled busy. I'm tired of the paperwork, I'm tired of my responsibilities, and I just want to be done. So I scooted, in a sub-par way through this summer.

And lately I've been convicted... I don't believe that I've been using this busyness as I should have been. I want to look back over my summer and say, "I worked as hard as I could." but I can't say that. I let things slide, I didn't make certain deadlines and responsibilities priorities in my life. Oh, it wasn't anything serious enough to affect my grades, mind you, but it did cause some extra headaches for a few people, and slightly less than ideal final products.

So I'm working very hard these last three weeks, hoping to finish well. I never want to end another semester saying, "Well, I could have worked harder..."

I messed up, but I have a wonderfully loving God who will help me turn my attitude and work ethic around.

Now, off to conquer that "to do" list, before any of the items are due!

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