Tuesday, September 30, 2008

And I did a little dance in front of my computer...

Now, as you all know, I'm a graduate student. I'm currently into my fifth year of "higher-level" education. During the past nine months, however, I've been attempting something that I've never attempted in my life (nor had any desire to attempt)-

Financial independence. 

I have the most generous parents. (No, seriously. They are. I'd put them up against any other parent out there.) Thanks to them, while I DID work during my undergrad, it was only to cover sundry expenses like books, school supplies, and the occasional shopping binge that I could hardly refrain from. (It's hard! Especially when there's a shoe sale...) But after graduating in December, I decided to try something new. I decided to try to **drumroll please...**


I know. It's a bit shocking. But my parents only signed up for four years of higher education. They didn't bank on a daughter who wanted more letters after (and maybe before) her name. (Doesn't Dr. Courtney, Ph.D. sound fun!?!) So I decided to try, as hard as I could, to take care of all my expenses.

I think my father can attest to the (often lack of) "successfulness" of my adventure. There were months when I spent only $30 on groceries and was so sick of peanut butter and white bread after that I haven't eaten it since. (I went home almost every Sunday for lunch and leftovers...) Then there was that time when I thought I was in the black and bought throw pillows. Only to realize that I hadn't paid the electric. (Had to call Dad for that one...) There was the computer, which I desperately needed, but could only have bought on an installment plan (once again, Dad to the rescue), and so it continues.

But, during that time I also- started a savings account, paid for my $1,000 insurance deductible on my car, set up my own health insurance, and paid for everything else (food, clothes, utilities- except those mentioned above...) all on my own. (I know! I'm so grown-upish.)

And it was a little tight at times.

But today, while balancing check-book and paying bills, I came across a startling discovery. PURDUE IS PAYING ME. Don't look at me like I'm dumb. I knew that they would. They said they would when I got my teaching assistantship. But although I crunched the numbers many times, I still came up with a rather small monthly pittance.

But I did my math wrong!!! (This will probably be the only time I'm excited about that.)

I have enough now to pay the bills, and put (a little) money in my savings account without bothering the parents! Whoo-hoo! It's not much, but it's more than I've lived on for the past 9 months, so I'm grateful. 

And yes, as soon as I realized what had happened, I did a dance in front of my computer screen.

God is amazing! 
(Have I said that before?)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Compliments of a teacher friend... :)

Teacher: One of these days I'm going to have an overhead projector that likes me...

Student: Or a guy...

Teacher: Go do your reading.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Those people..."

Per the advice of a very wise friend and mentor, I have been reading the book of Jeremiah. The reason for such a perusal should be evident- I'm a people-pleaser. And no where else in the Bible (at least in such condensed, brutal form) does one find more reason to despise the very humanity that one will (paradoxically) so promptly worship. I am the greatest of sinners in this regard. While mocking the depraved man, I will, the very next moment be held sway by his judgment, subject to the very opinion I so openly ridicule.

But while reading the following:

"Only acknowledge your guilt- you have rebelled against the Lord your God, you have scattered your favors to foreign gods, under every spreading tree, and have not obeyed me," declares the Lord.

I was struck by a horrible, gracious epiphany.

While labeling "others" as errant humanity, I had neglected to place myself in that same category. I viewed myself as outside the problem- let's look at other people. Let's look at God. What does that tell me? In my thinking I was above and outside of the categories of analysis that I had created.

But I am that humanity.

I am that depravity.

I am the faithless Israel.

And it does no good to lump others into the "shouldn't fear or please due to inherent wickedness" without also including myself. For, until I have a grasp, or at the very least, a taste, of my own depravity, I will see no need to turn to God to fulfill my desire for approbation and pleasure. Until I realize that I, in and of myself, am, along with the rest of humanity, completely depraved and faithless, I will see no need of the purity, faithfulness, and goodness of God. I will, though perhaps rid of the tyrant of pleasing others, unconsciously, seek to find my reward in the pleasing of myself, rather than in the pleasure of God.

Which was when I read:

"Return, faithless people," declares the Lord, "For I am your husband. I will choose you- one from a town and two from a clan- and bring you to Zion... I myself said, 'How gladly would I treat you like sons and give you a desirable land, the most beautiful inheritance of any nation.'"

How gracious of a God who is so often forgotten- that he would choose, and subsequently endow the chosen with blessings. Is there any other worth pleasing?

(Text: Jeremiah 3)
I just really wish school was over...

And when I'm done, I'll probably wish I could go back.


Sunday, September 21, 2008


In our first, collaborative Cardigan party, we threw a bash for Tank and Bunny. They both are celebrating their "golden birthdays" this week. Tank is turning 22 on the 22nd, and Bunny is turning 23 on the 23rd. Everyone at the party had to wear a tie- and we danced and drank (ginger ale! Promise!) the night away.

The Cardigan Mafia will have to strike again.... maybe on my birthday?


Monday, September 15, 2008

Facts about (almost) Speech Pathologists

A speech-language pathology student is:

An (almost) professional individual who identifies, assesses, and provides treatment for individuals with speech, language, and swallowing problems, in addition to getting limited amounts of sleep, drinking copious amounts of coffee (which is bad for the vocal folds they claim to protect), and developing a wardrobe which must be at once professional enough to satisfy "business dress" and comfy enough to allow crouching and crawling in. (There is no such wardrobe.)

What do speech-language pathology students do?

Treat speech, language, and swallowing disorders in individuals of all ages, from infants to the elderly. Struggle to find time to grocery shop- until all that remains in the cupboards is JiffyMix and peanut butter. Evaluate and diagnose speech, language, and swallowing disorders. And wonder when daily reading will not consist of 200 pages regarding phonological development.

Where will speech pathology students work?

This is work. After this I'm not working again EVER.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

In a few, scant days, my roommate from my sophomore year of college, will be getting married to a very wonderful Curly Haired boy. Congrats, my Lady! While it must be admitted that the bride-to-be and I were (and are) quite different, it must also be admitted that her approach to wedding planning has been quite refreshing.

No fuss.

No girly frills.

And an emphasis on the action of what she's doing, not the means through which it is taking place. A focus on the future together, not the first few hours wedded bliss- seating charts and bird seed. Thanks, roomie.

And don't worry, if it rains you have several options:

Do the bedraggled, artsy bride- very avaunt-garde. Quite stunning. You're one of the few people I know who could do this quite amazingly.

Or make sure you have a photographer that can make dampness look like a party.

And then, of course, I'll bring some rain boot just in case the other two fall through.

Congrats, Lady! Multiple and continuous blessings on you both.

Monday, September 8, 2008

An Idol of The Mouth

I have been totally and completely, unavoidably overwhelmed by the commencement of graduate school.

(Part of it could be the total lack practice in the studying area since December... Studying is like a sport- you have to practice to stay competitive.)

But my completely overwhelming week took a sudden and drastic turn for the better.

I was meeting with the "Cardigans" when I became aware that...

**drum roll, please**


I know. I was in shock too.

My one of my favoritist beverages is back on the market- just in time for my favorite cool, crisp, leaf falling, sweater wearing, scarf-shopping season.

Hallelujah, Jehovah-Jireh. The Lord does provide.