Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I am... contented and happy

I really have nothing to blog about... Nothing hilarious. (Well, maybe several, but not enough time to do them justice), nothing traumatic. Just life. And I'm enjoying it. Sure, in some places it gets a little hum-drum, but God is keeping it from being too boring by pointing out my many areas of sin. But He's also helping me grow, which is what makes Him so wonderful. Right now I'm learning, growing (hopefully!), and enjoying the simple pleasures...

making rice crispies with "Bear", teaching Julie-Bop to tango, washing my car, girl night at the coffee house, random texts from my Bunny, scrap-booking with Dawn, vacuuming, making blueberry muffins (that burned!), going to Bible study, doing laundry...

Praise God that He gives normal, routine days. Praise God that He helps me grow through it all, and even though the growth may often be hard- praise God that he never leaves me and continues to give me joy.

Yes, I am very happy, very contented, very convicted, very growing (hopefully), and very, very glad to have such a loving heavenly Father.

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