Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"You mean, like on vacay? Road trip!!!" (Legally Blonde)

I left town this weekend for a good-ole' relaxing "vacay" with some of my favorite chicas. We drove up to Chicago and spent three days roaming the streets (in a very Baptist style, I promise), and came back thoroughly relaxed and rejuvenated. While "Shilly" and I agreed that we were (and I quote) "made for city life" there were several things that served to make us at least mildly content with our current suburban lifestyle. They are as follows:

As a general rule...

You don't see fluttering yellow mini-dresses, accompanied by 7 necklaces, insane heels, and too much make-up on men in Lafayette.

A lunch of a goat-cheese tart and chicken doesn't cost you $30.00

And your favorite skirt in the store isn't $500 and made from cashmere.


It was wonderful to have nothing to do. Nowhere to go. And no one to see. We shopped, talked, ate (wonderful Korean food!), watched movies, and (as a general rule) did nothing productive for three days. Hallelujah.

Thank you, ladies, for a wonderful trip!

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