Sunday, May 18, 2008

Because God is love...

I was notified at the end of last week that I had been selected for a graduate assistantship for my first year of graduate school. Prior to this information I had no funding and no resources to continue my education. However, God never ceases to amaze me with his love and provision, and I now have full funding for the fall semester! As an additional bonus (kinda like a toy in a Happy Meal!), the professor I will be working with has the exact same area of research interest that I do (neurophysiology of speech production) and has asked me to T.A. the easiest class in the undergraduate department. (Translation: major benefits, minor work load.)

Can God get any more detailed in his explicit love towards me?

I submit that He cannot.



Dana said...

YEAH!! God is good!

Communiteez said...

WOW- You've been a good girl!


May God CONTINUE to bless u and urs with great work, perfect health and lots n lots of LUV!