Thursday, April 23, 2009

Those standards aren't changing, sister.

I was told this week that I set the bar too high for men.

I was told that I secretly want a man like my father and that a man of that caliber is (almost) impossible to find.

I was told that if I didn't change my expectations, I was going to wind up old and alone.

Well, if that's the case- Here's to old aloneness!



Anonymous said...

From someone who waited for the right man to come along, even when my mother thought my standards were too high, I say, keep waiting!!! By the way, those "impossible to find" men are around, they are just waiting to find someone who is living up to the standards that they want in a wife.

Wait on the Lord and keep busy with His work. He'll take care of the rest. :)

Dana said...

Hey my mother just told me the same thing about having to high a standard....*sigh*

I agree with your friend though. God will take care of us Courtney! Keep trusting, even when its hard.

Erika B. said...


May I join you in your aloneness?
Oh! I think the def. of aloneness is living in a flat in NY together.