Friday, December 25, 2009

"I need to get dressed..."

We were all so excited about Christmas with Boppy this year. She's four, and just old enough to experience the joy of opening presents (giving presents was a little more tricky... She still doesn't get that...)

Alex bought her this amazing baby doll. It's a little boy whose lips are formed into a grumpy pucker, and whose outfit is completed by a little stuffed lion and a hat with ears.

She squealed with delight when she opened him, but as soon as he was out of his package, she ran from him, hiding behind everything in attempts to avoid holding her new baby.

Over and over she kept saying, "I need to get dressed. I don't want the baby. I need to get dressed."

I got her a stroller. We opened it next in an attempt to alleviate her odd fear of the baby. (Maybe if she wouldn't hold him, she'd push him around.)

Once again she squealed in glee, and then ran. "I need to get dressed. I don't want it. No. I need to get dressed."

We were all puzzled.

However, after she was dressed, she began to cuddle the baby and take him for walks around and around and around our circular floor-plan.

Apparently she thought she couldn't be a good mom until she was properly attired.

I wonder if she'll be the same way when she has real children...

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