Good morning, peoples!
Last night we ate some delicious sea food and were fortunate enough to find the best oysters in town. (We know because they told us so on their sign...)
Actually- "Acme Oysters" were phenomenal, so I believe their claim to be the best in town.
We left Lafayette, IN around 6:15. Look at us, so chipper and optimistic...
Thirteen and a half long hours later, we pulled into New Orleans. Every older, wiser person told me that thirteen hours was a long time. I didn't believe them until hour ten, when time began to stand still. Those last three and a half hours were longer than the entire rest of the trip.
My graduate school friends stop for bathroom breaks more than my family does. As a result, we all stayed very polite and kind the entire trip.
After arriving late (and sneaking into our hotel because they only allow two people per room and we had four), we dolled up and went out on the town. Unfortunately, I had completely forgotten my camera for this expedition, so there is no Courtney footage to document everyone's first oyster, and our incredible Mid-Western shock at the strip clubs that line Bourbon Street.
(Well, at least I was shocked.)
However, the colors are phenomenal, the food indescribable, and our hotel filled with timeless class.
Here's where I'm sitting now- this would be the breakfast nook. Amazing, right?
The yummy breakfast was advertised as "hot," but I'm afraid the only thing that's truly hot is the coffee. However, I'm a college student. Hot coffee is really all I need to survive.
Well, it's off the to convention. I promise that future posts will have more entertaining pictures, but for now, these will have to suffice. I'm going to go get smart now, and stop taking pictures in our hotel hallways.
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