Friday, October 23, 2009

Sometimes I look like a vagabond. A homeless person. A decrepit wreck.

The reason for this general appearance can usually be closely tied to the stress level of my week. Usually, I am understanding of other people's derision of my appearance. It is acceptable. I look awful.

But this week, as I was crossing the street, looking like a homeless vagabond wreck, I got an up-down and snort of derision from a little old, nasty lady smoking a cigarette in her massive, deteriorating automobile. Her lip actually sneered at me!

I didn't blink. I just looked right back at her and thought,

"Sure, I may be wearing an ugly sweat shirt, but my skin care is miles ahead of yours, Ms. Smoker."

This sort of petty vindictiveness means my life is too small...

1 comment:

blind irish pirate said...

You can always fix your hair and buy new clothes, but it takes a lot of money and years of work to go back and change a putrid attitude. I always tell myself this when I maybe skip a shower or wear my old clothes. I'm gross. I admit. No one has refused to hang out with me yet.