Friday, April 13, 2007

Digital Fortune Cookies

I recently installed a little digital fortune cookie on my internet homepage. It looks so cute! Plus, you get the fortunes without feeling guilty about not eating the cookies. I don't like the cookies, but I do like the fortunes.

However, I've learned that digital fortunes are just like the ones that you'll find at your standard "Great Wall Buffet." They're wrong. Often boring. Sometimes bizarre. And not always necessarily a "fortune." For example:

A smile is your personal welcome mat. Does that even sound nice? Am I the only one that immediately thinks of someone wiping their feet on my lips? Not pleasant. And what's so "fortune-like" about that? It's just advice.

You have an ambitious nature and will make a name for yourself. Now, that's just not true. (Proof that digital fortune cookies don't know you any better than those from the buffet line at the "Great Wall.") I'm not ambitious at all... I wonder if the name I make will be good...

Luck is with you now. Act upon your instincts. Luck is not with me now! My sister drank almost all of my morning coffee, and Julie definitely spit-up all over me. Not so lucky. And I don't have instincts. Alex says that's the reason I can't play tennis.

Just to have it is enough. What is this "it" that I apparently have? I'm confused... And once again, not really a fortune.

A few hours of grace before the madness begins again. What? I'm going to class now. The madness has already started. I'm beginning to doubt the veracity of my digital cookies.

Your ability to juggle many tasks will take you far. Once again. Doesn't know me. I'm a horrible multi-tasker. I've just recently mastered the ability to tie my shoe and talk at the same time.

The world is always ready to receive talent with open arms. That's just blatantly untrue. I have a wonderful talent of gargling with pickle juice. No one has greeted me with open arms. So sad...

And my favorite:
A once in a lifetime adventure awaits you in the South Pacific islands.

Yaya! I've always wanted to go to Western Samoa! Bring it on. (I think my digital fortune cookies are lying to me...)


David said...

I've started keeping my real fortune cookies. They're better than your digital ones, and I don't feel guilty. My favorite so far is...

"Support Literacy. Buy a box of fortune cookies today."

Also, I got two cookies in one package. The unopened package is stapled on my board with the rest of the fortunes. I will never know those fortunes, but they are no doubt of immense importance.

Molly said...

Hi Courtney! I got to your blog via Julie's blog. My mom had let us know about her adoption and we have been reading up on all the exciting events in China...what a blessing for your family! She is a doll! But now, no more blog updates since they got back from China! Boo-hoo! I know life has really changed for your family with this new little addition, but those of us far away would love to keep up with her adventures on occasion now that she is home! We are praying for this time of transition in your family! Say hi to your family for us.
Take care,
Molly Stilwell